Latest Reviews Detailed review
Purchased One
ushi** 2022.10.04
Since it was a restaurant, I bought the same hat, and the cap area that covers my head is wide enough so I don't feel hot. This is a satisfactory hat. I wish the material was a little thinner.
Ripstop Camp Cap Purchased One 제작 후기 Since it was a restaurant, I bought the same hat, and the cap area that covers my head is wide enough so I don't feel hot.

This is a satisfactory hat.

I wish the material was a little thinner. - 마플 리얼 후기
Ripstop Camp Cap Purchased One 제작 후기 Since it was a restaurant, I bought the same hat, and the cap area that covers my head is wide enough so I don't feel hot.

This is a satisfactory hat.

I wish the material was a little thinner. - 마플 리얼 후기
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