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Purchased ONE
nam5** 2022.01.09
The diameter is about the size of the bottom of the AirPod Pro lid. It seems like just the right size. Please note that this is not a deep engraving, but rather a scratch level engraving!
Surgical Steel Round Pendent KeyChain 25mm Purchased ONE 제작 후기 The diameter is about the size of the bottom of the AirPod Pro lid. It seems like just the right size. Please note that this is not a deep engraving, but rather a scratch level engraving!- 마플 리얼 후기
Surgical Steel Round Pendent KeyChain 25mm Purchased ONE 제작 후기 The diameter is about the size of the bottom of the AirPod Pro lid. It seems like just the right size. Please note that this is not a deep engraving, but rather a scratch level engraving!- 마플 리얼 후기
Surgical Steel Round Pendent KeyChain 25mm Purchased ONE 제작 후기 The diameter is about the size of the bottom of the AirPod Pro lid. It seems like just the right size. Please note that this is not a deep engraving, but rather a scratch level engraving!- 마플 리얼 후기
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