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Purchased ONE
yjiw** 2021.04.20
oh..!!!! It's smaller than I thought and very, very light (it's good because it's light) There is no smell of metal and it is clean. Simple but very painstaking design..? I did it The engraving came out neatly. I ordered it as a birthday present for a friend and it arrived at perfect timing!
Surgical Steel Round Pendent KeyChain 25mm Purchased ONE 제작 후기 oh..!!!!
It's smaller than I thought and very, very light (it's good because it's light)
There is no smell of metal and it is clean.
Simple but very painstaking design..? I did it
The engraving came out neatly.
I ordered it as a birthday present for a friend and it arrived at perfect timing!- 마플 리얼 후기
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